Sunday 28 April 2019

Avengers: Endgame ( 2019) Online Movie HD

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Avengers Endgame Online HD Free Description 

Adrift in space with no food or water, Tony Stark sends a message to Pepper Potts as his oxygen supply starts to dwindle. Meanwhile, the remaining Avengers -- Thor, Black Widow, Captain America and Bruce Banner -- must figure out a way to bring back their vanquished allies for an epic showdown with Thanos -- the evil demigod who decimated the planet and the universe.

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Tuesday 16 April 2019

HellBoy 2019 BlueRay HD Online Free


Movie Description

Hellboy is back, and he's on fire. From the pages of Mike Mignola's seminal work, this action packed story sees the legendary half-demon superhero (David Harbour, "Stranger Things") called to the English countryside to battle a trio of rampaging giants. There he discovers The Blood Queen, Nimue (Milla Jovovich, Resident Evil series), a resurrected ancient sorceress thirsting to avenge a past betrayal. Suddenly caught in a clash between the supernatural and the human, Hellboy is now hell-bent on stopping Nimue without triggering the end of the world.

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Captain Marvel Online HD BlueRay Free

 Movie Description

After crashing an experimental aircraft, Air Force pilot Carol Danvers is discovered by the Kree and trained as a member of the elite Starforce Military under the command of her mentor Yon-Rogg. Six years later, after escaping to Earth while under attack by the Skrulls, Danvers begins to discover there's more to her past. With help from S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Nick Fury, they set out to unravel the truth

BlueRay version don't enable rightnow. Please stay tunes on site for HD Version!!

Monday 15 April 2019


After pursuing Kevin Wendell Crumb and the multiple identities that reside within. David Dunn finds himself locked in a mental hospital alongside his archenemy, Elijah Price and must contend with a psychiatrist who is out to prove the trio do not actually possess superhuman abilities




Shazam! (2019) Englesh Subtitle Full Video HD


In Philadelphia, Billy Batson is an abandoned child who is proving a nuisance to Child Services and the authorities with his stubborn search for his lost mother. However, in his latest foster home, Billy makes a new friend, Freddy, and finds himself selected by the Wizard Shazam to be his new champion. Now endowed with the ability to instantly become an adult superhero by speaking the wizard's name, Billy gleefully explores his new powers with Freddy. However, Billy soon learns that he has a deadly enemy, Dr. Thaddeus Sivana, who was previously rejected by the wizard and has accepted the power of the Seven Deadly Sins instead. Now pursued by this mad scientist for his own power as well, Billy must face up to the responsibilities of his calling while learning the power of a special magic with his true family that Sivana can never understand

HD Video will upload after is released !!!

Thursday 11 April 2019

Game of Thrones Season 8 Live & Episodes [ HBO LIVE ]

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Tags : Game of thrones season 8 live, game of thrones season 8 episodes 1, game of thrones season 8 episodes 2,game of thrones season 8 episodes 3,game of thrones season 8 episodes 4,hbo live,hbo game of thrones,got sez 8 ep 1,got sez 8 ep 2, got sez 8 ep 3 ,got sez 8 ep 4;

Wednesday 7 November 2018

The Meg (2018) - Confruntare în adâncuri Online Subtitrat HD


Submarinul unei echipe de cercetatori este atacat de o creatură marină uriaşă, despre care se ştia că dispăruse, iar acum a rămas avariată pe fundul Pacificului, fără posibilitate de ieşire pentru echipaj. Cu puţin timp la dispoziţie, Jonas Taylor (Jason Statham) - scafandru profesionist expert în salvări - este recrutat pentru a conduce misiunea de salvare a cercetătorilor şi a întregului ocean de ameninţarea imparabilă a unui rechin gigant preistoric, cunoscut sub numele de Megalodon.Ceea ce nimeni nu îşi putea imagina este faptul că Taylor a mai întâlnit monstrul în urmă cu câţiva ani, în timpul unei expediţii în adâncul oceanului. Acum, împreună cu Suyin (Li Bingbing), acesta trebuie să îşi înfrunte frica şi să-şi rişte viaţa pentru a salva situaţia, chiar cu riscul de a se lovi din nou de cel mai mare prădător din toate timpurile.

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Incredibles 2 (2018) - Incredibilii 2 Online Subtitrat HD


Familia de supereroi iubită de toată lumea se întoarce cu o nouă aventură în „Incredibilii 2”. Numai că, de data aceasta, Helen (vocea lui Holly Hunter) e în centrul acţiunii, lăsându-l acasă pe Bob (vocea lui Craig T. Nelson) pentru a încerca să se descurce împreună cu Violet (vocea lui Sarah Vowell) şi Dash (vocea lui Huck Milner) cu actele de eroism ale vieţii normale, de zi cu zi.Adaptarea e grea pentru toată lumea şi devine cu atât mai grea cu cât nimeni din familie nu ştie care sunt superputerile bebeluşului Jack-Jack, care apar spontan şi imprevizibil. Dar atunci când un nou ticălos urzeşte un complot genial de periculos, familia de Incredibili şi Frozone (vocea lui Samuel L. Jackson) trebuie să găsească o cale de a lucra din nou împreună, ceea ce e mult mai uşor de spus decât de făcut, oricât ar fi ei, cu toţii, de incredibili.

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